Resting at 15700 Dixie Highway in Louisville, Kentucky, sits the abandoned B-T Energy Corporation office building. An oil refinery that converted the 1890 house into an office in the early 1970's. Abandoned in the late 1990's, the house still stands thanks to its solid brick exterior.
The house was previously owned by the Steele family, and the small road leading toward the abandoned house use to be part of the original L&N Turnpike. The Steele Family Cemetery is located on the property, but due to the overgrown vegetation, and most of their headstones most likely sunk into the ground, we were unable to locate this cemetery.
The flood of 1997 did much damage to the house, and could have been the main reasoning for its abandonment and simply left to crumble. Only this one oil tank remains. Numerous concrete bases and stands remain in multiple areas on the property, but this is the only tank that remains.
The only document that we found with an address. Not documents had a date or year on them.
The photograph above is of the carpeting in the second floor. The second floor has collapsed into the first-floor area.
The roof is just barely hanging on. It's only a short time before it caves in or lifts off the top of the abandoned building.
An abandoned recliner sits in the woods just yards from the abandoned structure.
The abandoned caves where the two main pipelines ran from the plant into the Ohio River.