Ashfeld Manor, also known as "The Mooreland Mansion," is a Romanesque Revival that originally sat on 45 acres of land.
It was constructed by Colonel, Daniel Lawson Moore in 1891, for his second wife, Minnie Ball, who he also married that same year.
The mansion is made of limestone and brick. It took a total of five years to complete. The front of the mansion is completely made of limestone, each block laid with pink mortar.
The four-story tower stands at the south end of the mansion; crowned by an entablature and parapet forms at the south end of the veranda.
The mansion has been called a castle by many, due to its basement that looks and feels more like a dungeon. Most likely a great place to store produce and wine. We did not enter the structure itself due to health and safety purposes.
The property was sold at Master Commissioner's sale and bought back by the bank at foreclosure on January 24th of 2020 for the price tag of $329,465. This once 45-acre farm, that grew Burley tobacco and raised fine livestock, has been reduced to only 2.96 acres of land. It's actually on the market as a "Lot-Land" purchase for $49,500 as of May 1st, 2020. That's approximately $5 per square foot. The sale listing reads, "While this is a land only sale, there is a structure on the property that is on the Historical Register."
A small house sits behind the mansion. Its purpose and history are unknown by us.