Abandoned Train Set

On Plymouth Road in St. Matthews, Kentucky, rests the remains of a project that brought joy and delight to the surrounding neighborhoods of St. Matthews for over two decades.

James "Jim" Durham built one of the most amazing model train sets, and he did it in his front yard.  What came to be called Plymouth RailRoad, quickly had multiple trains running around Jim's front yard, and the locals came to know him as "Mr. D."  Trains entered and exiting this amazing landscape via the bridges entering Jim's basement windows.

Jim passed away on Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 after battling Alzheimer's disease for over thirteen years.  For over the past decade the train set has been left abandoned, sitting in the front yard with nobody able to maintain it.  

Let's take a small look at some photographs that Mrs. Durham shared with us of the train set in its glory days.

Today, the beautiful train set sits abandoned, receiving visits from only the harsh weather that destroys it piece by piece.

We are thankful for Jim and the many years that he entertained the children, school groups, and local and regional families with the Plymouth RailRoad.  

We would also like to extend our thanks to Jim's wife, Jane, for allowing us to photograph her front yard, and share the story of Jim's past.  The Plymouth RailRoad has been abandoned, but it will forever live on in the hearts and minds of the people of St. Matthews, Kentucky.